Contact us
Level 27, 88 Shortland Street, Auckland 1010, New Zealand (couriers to level 8).
Private Bag 92518, Auckland 1141, New Zealand (please address all posted mail to this private bag, not our street address).

Building access
Simpson Grierson’s reception on Level 27 of the 88 Shortland Street building (also known as Shortland and Fort) is open from 8am to 5.30pm on weekdays.
If you have a meeting at our office outside of these hours you will need to make arrangements with your Simpson Grierson contact.
The ground floor lobby of our building is open from 7.30am to 6pm, and is a convenient place to meet outside of our reception hours.
You can access the building from Shortland St or from Fort St (through the Shortland and Fort lobby).
If entering on Fort St, you will need to take the lifts up to the main lobby on Level 9.
Client parking
We do have carparking available if you have a meeting at our office, on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The entrance to the client carpark is from Emily Place (off Shortland Street or Customs Street). Please do not enter at the main entrance of the building or go up the ramp on that level.
At the parking boom at the Emily Place entrance, press the touch screen which will bring up the menu, then select Simpson Grierson. This will connect to reception which operates between 8am and 5.30pm, Monday to Friday.
Please advise reception over the intercom that you have a meeting at Simpson Grierson and you will be given access. All carparks on this level are dedicated exclusively to Simpson Grierson clients.
Once you are parked, please note the carpark number and make your way to the lifts (through the glass doors on the same level).
Select level 27 on the key pad by the lifts to go up to reception. At reception, please advise the carpark number you are parked in.
Accessing parking outside of reception hours
You can access client parking when Simpson Grierson's reception is closed but the main building lobby is open (these times are detailed in the building access section above).
At the parking boom at the Emily Place entrance, press the touch screen which will bring up the menu, then select Converga (our Service Centre) on the touchscreen device and they will let you into the carpark.
Once you are parked, make your way to the lifts (through the glass doors on the same level).
Please take the lift to the level 9 foyer where the person you are seeing can meet you.
Not sure who to contact?
Send your enquiry through below