2/12/2024·1 min to read
Simpson Grierson multiple winner at 2024 New Zealand Law Awards

Simpson Grierson is delighted to have won multiple awards at the 2024 New Zealand Law Awards.
We picked-up two major deal awards, including Equity Market Deal of the Year for our work advising Auckland Council on the sale of 7 percent stake in Auckland International Airport Limited. Well done to lead partners Michael Pollard and James Hawes.
We also won the M&A Deal of the Year for our work advising Gloria Foods on its acquisition of Fonterra's Soprole dairy business. Congratulations to lead partner Andrew Matthews.
In addition, we’re proud to have again won the Diversity & Inclusion Initiative of the Year. Our award was based on the work our pro bono practice does to support D&I initiatives in the community, as well as our work within the firm in raising awareness of neurodiversity, our support of Pride Pledge, our commitment to developing te ao Māori competencies, and providing support and education around issues like fertility and menopause. Well done to Jo Stevenson and our People & Culture team.