Chris Ryan
Bsc LLB(Hons) • Auckland
Chris’ practice encompasses public law litigation and advice work, as well as resource management matters.
Chris advises clients on a range of strategic local government issues, including local authorities’ powers and decision-making, council-controlled organisation (CCO) governance, roading and land transport functions, and bylaws. He has appeared as junior counsel in the High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court, representing local authorities in a range of judicial review and other public law proceedings.
Chris also works with a wide range of corporate clients, local authorities and CCOs, providing advice on resource management matters, and has appeared in Council and Environment Court proceedings. He is a member of the Resource Management Law Association of New Zealand.
Work Highlights
Auckland Council / Eke Panuku Development Auckland
Assisting with the proposed revocation of Council-owned reserve land that is currently used for carparking. This includes advising on the process for revoking the reserve status of the land, and representing the Council in proceedings claiming certain equitable rights in the reserve land.
Auckland Council
Represented the Council in appeals to the Supreme Court against the Board of Inquiry decision granting resource consents and notices of requirement for the proposed East-West Link.
Successfully defending in the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court judicial review proceedings concerning the Council’s Provisional Local Alcohol Policy.
Successful High Court proceedings to recover development contributions, including defence of collateral challenge to development contributions policy.
New Zealand Defence Force
Representing the NZDF in Environment Court proceedings regarding the proposed Selwyn District Plan provisions applying to the West Melton Rifle Range.
Various local authorities
Advising various local authorities about development contributions policies, including as to the compliance of draft policies with statutory requirements.
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council / Gisborne District Council
Advised on the Councils’ decision-making throughout the process of categorising properties eligible to be acquired following the 2023 severe weather events. Also provided advice in relation to threatened legal proceedings.
Whangarei District Council
Successfully defending judicial review proceedings challenging decision to lease Airport land.
Auckland Council / Auckland Transport
Successfully defending judicial review proceedings challenging the Regional Land Transport Plan on climate change grounds.