30/06/2022·1 min to read
Ngā Take Māori o Te Ao Ture: Māori Legal Update - Matariki Edition

Kua haehae ngā hihi o Matariki. Ka kōrerotia tēnei whakataukī i te wā ka kite mārama atu i a Matariki i te rangi. Ko Matariki te wā e kōrerorero ai ngā pūrākau, he hokinga mahara, he whakatikatika mō te Tau Hou. Nā reira, kia ū koutou ki ēnei kaupapa mō tēnei hararei. Ngā mihi o Tau Hou Māori!
Mahara mai ki te pānui o Simpson Grierson.
In this issue, we first say moe mai rā ki te Rangatira, Moana Jackson. We then take a look at the key developments in te ao ture, including our observations on:
the Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei decision where the High Court considered whether there is exclusive mana whenua in Tāmaki Makaurau;
the High Court’s decision to reject judicial review of the ‘vegetable exception’ in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater 2020;
the continuing co-governance debate;
the Government’s Environment Aotearoa 2022 report;
the Three Waters Reform; and
the New Zealand Māori council joining the Re Edwards (Te Whakatohea No 2) appeal.
Mauri ora!
Read the Update here.
Ngā mihi nui to Avary Patuma, Grace Dimond, Morgan Couch, Keanu Britton-Rua and Madeline Ash for their assistance in putting this Update together.