1/04/2022·1 min to read
Simpson Grierson wins two Client Choice Awards

We’re pleased to announce that we have won in two categories at the Beaton 2022 Client Choice Awards.
We won Best Law Firm in our size category, and jointly won Most Innovative Law Firm.
In a highly competitive year with over 250 professional services firms entering across Australia and New Zealand, and over 15,000 pieces of client feedback used in the adjudication process, it is an outstanding achievement to be crowned winners and it shows the high regard our clients hold for our firm and its services.
About the awards
The Client Choice Awards recognise best practice in the professional services sector and are based on client feedback for professional services firms in Australia and New Zealand. There are no panels, judges or self-nominations, only client ratings that are independently researched by Beaton Consulting + Research.
The Awards reward firms for excellent client service, expertise in clients’ areas of need, innovation and superior client experience. They are the only multi-profession and fully client-judged Awards anywhere in the world.