Matt provides strategic advice and representation in environmental regulatory processes.

He helps clients navigate processes under the Resource Management Act 1991 and related legislation, including:

  • Creating, changing, understanding and applying district and regional plans and regional policy statements that set frameworks for what activities can be done, where and how
  • Managing biodiversity, freshwater quantity and quality, air quality and coastal hazards
  • Planning for the impacts of climate change
  • Designating and consenting energy and infrastructure projects onshore and offshore
  • Obtaining consents for urban development and other land use activities, water takes, and discharges to air, land, and water
  • Marine consenting under the Exclusive Economic Zone (Environmental Effects) Act 2012
  • Enforcement, declarations and appeals
  • Advising on law reform
  • Environmental due diligence
  • Applications under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011
  • Finding solutions to legal challenges and disputes about all of the above

Matt is an updating author of Brookers Resource Management. 

He is a member of the Resource Management Law Association, and a member of Water New Zealand.  He is also an associate member of the New Zealand Planning Institute.

Chambers Asia-Pacific 2025
Environment & Resource Management

Leading Lawyer

Work Highlights

Hawke's Bay Regional Council, Taranaki Regional Council and Waikato Regional Council 

Assisting with development of regional planning documents in relation to a range of topics, particularly freshwater and coastal management, and resolving appeals.


Obtaining resource consents to take water from the Waikato River under a Board of Inquiry process.

Willis Bond 

Assisting with planning and consenting issues in relation to developments around the Wellington region.

Parliamentary Service 

Assisting with planning and consenting issues in relation to development in the Parliamentary Precinct.

Tauranga City Council 

Successfully defending judicial review proceedings relating to the grant of resource consent for a retail development.

Kāpiti Coast District Council and South Taranaki District Council  

Advice on district plan reviews and representation in district plan appeals.

South Taranaki District Council

Obtaining resource consents for a town centre revitalisation project.

Ministry for the Environment 

Member of practitioner drafting group for first National Planning Standards.

Kāpiti Coast District Council 

Representation in Board of Inquiry proceedings for Transmission Gully, Mackays to Peka Peka Expressway, and Peka Peka to Otaki Expressway.


Obtaining marine consents for energy projects in the South Taranaki Bight.

Councils throughout New Zealand

Representation in applications for customary marine title and protected customary rights orders under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011.

Christchurch City Council  

Representation in district plan hearings, with a particular focus on papakainga, indigenous biodiversity, historic heritage, significant trees, landscape and sites of cultural significance.

Areas of Expertise

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