The New Zealand telecommunications industry is characterised by a seemingly limitless demand for capacity to meet the needs of an online world, using cloud-based solutions and accessing digital content.
We have a extensive, hands-on knowledge of the challenges facing businesses across the telecommunications sector.
We act for telecommunications network providers, equipment suppliers, resellers, distributors, service providers and major users.
Our expertise includes network establishment, capacity leasing (including indefeasible right of use agreements (IRUs)), interconnection, managed services contracts, joint ventures, M&A transactions, and regulatory advice.
Work Highlights
Merger of Orcon and 2degrees
Simpson Grierson (acting for Voyage Digital (NZ) Limited) advised on the $1.7 billion merger of Orcon (formerly Vocus NZ) and 2degrees, through the acquisition by Voyage Digital of the Orcon and 2degrees businesses.
We previously acted for Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets and Aware Super on the New Zealand aspects of its acquisition of Vocus Group for AUD$3.5b. We also advised Vocus on its takeover of FX Networks for approximately $115 million.
Sale of 2degrees’ cellphone towers
We advised on the landmark sale of 2degrees’ cellphone towers to independent mobile tower company, Connexa for $1.076 billion. The deal merges the tower networks of 2degrees and Spark under the Connexa brand.
Local fibre companies – Ultra-Fast Broadband Project
We have advised all the Local Fibre Companies (Enable Networks, UltraFast Fibre and Northpower Fibre) on all aspects of the roll-out of ultra-fast broadband. This included their wholesale services agreements with retailers, compliance with their agreements with Crown Fibre Holdings, undertakings given by the LFCs in favour of the Commerce Commission and issues arising out of their build programmes.
Kordia New Zealand
We have advised on numerous projects including the acquisition and subsequent sale of Orcon, New Zealand's fourth largest internet service provider, its trans-Tasman fibre optic cable project, its acquisition of various cyber security and managed services businesses, and regulatory issues.
We advised on the joint venture between Kordia and Tait Communications to build and operate the Land Mobile Radio portion of the Government’s $1.4 billion Public Safety Network.
Acquisition of Ultrafast Fibre
We advised Ultrafast Fibre on aspects of its acquisition by First Sentier Investments ($845 million).
Fiji National Provident Fund
We advised on the F$160 million acquisition by Fiji National Provident Fund of 49% of Vodafone Fiji.
Ministry of Economic Development (now MBIE)
We advised on the structure of Crown Fibre Holdings and invitation to participate for the Government's $1.5 billion Ultra-Fast Broadband Project.