Class Actions
Class actions represent a growing risk for businesses in New Zealand. They are complex, often involve substantial claims, and give rise to different considerations than those in other commercial disputes. And while litigation funders frequently back class actions, they can also provide funding options for corporate clients in non-representative cases.
Our leading experts have acted on class actions, and litigation-funded claims, across a broad range of industries.
We provide bespoke litigation advice for dealing with the complexities unique to representative claims, multi-plaintiff claims, and litigation-funded claims.
Class actions feature multiple parties and stakeholders with different agendas. Our specialists use their knowledge of evolving procedural and practical considerations, and expertise and resources in managing large-scale litigation, to effect a litigation strategy tailored to our clients’ objectives.
Our experience spans the many different types of class action and litigation-funded claims, including financial services and securities claims by investors, insolvency, product liability, public-sector tort, construction, and cross-border and multi-jurisdictional claims.
Work Highlights
Former directors of Arowana International Limited
We defended the former non-executive directors of ASX-listed Arowana International
Limited in a class action by investors in its subsidiary (former NZX-listed Intueri Education
Group Limited), who alleged breaches of financial markets obligations. The claim settled in
September 2024.
Ministry for Primary Industries
We defended MPI in the High Court in the "Kiwifruit Claim", a $400 million class action tort claim in negligence for biosecurity breaches in allowing the bacterial kiwifruit vine disease Psa-V into New Zealand.
Westpac New Zealand
We acted for Westpac in this high profile “bank fees” class action case brought against the major trading banks in New Zealand. The class action was withdrawn.
We act for leading insolvency practitioners pursuing claims subject to litigation funding, including claims against directors for breach of directors’ duties.
We have also advised on multi-claimant cross-border product liability litigation in sectors including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, building materials, and consumer goods.