1/07/2022·2 mins to read
Simpson Grierson gives equal credit to staff for pro bono and commercial legal work

We’re very proud to announce that from 1 July, our people’s pro bono contributions will be treated and valued in their performance measures and promotion applications in the same way as charged legal work.
The change means that our lawyers will receive billable hour credits for pro bono legal work when it comes to meeting both billable hour and financial targets.
The new crediting initiative is about creating fairness for our people who are doing pro bono work for the community, so that their contribution is formally valued in the same way as any other legal work.
Crediting pro bono legal time in the same way as commercial legal work is recognised as global best practice, and it encourages everyone to participate and build a well-sustained pro bono practice.
We want pro bono to be deeply engrained in our firm’s culture, and for our lawyers to view pro bono as part of their professional responsibility. Part of achieving that is by elevating pro bono legal work to the same status as commercial legal work.
This fundamental value shift acknowledges that we all have a part to play in creating a legal system that is accessible to all, and it demonstrates that our commitment to pro bono is long term and authentic.
To view our pro bono page, click here.