4/08/2022·1 min to read
Simpson Grierson makes positive changes to parental leave benefits

We’re pleased to share we’ve made even more positive changes to support parents at Simpson Grierson recently.
People & Culture Director, Jo Stevenson says: “The journey towards parenthood, and becoming a parent is life-changing. We want to lend as much of a helping hand as we can, as our people navigate different life-stage changes. That’s one reason why we’re adding even more support to our parental leave package.”
“Earlier this year we enhanced our parental leave benefits to include a top-up to full pay for the first 26 weeks of primary carer leave. We also provide 12 weeks’ full pay for eligible staff who take parental leave as a primary carer after the first 26 weeks.
“Our new parents can now also access a KiwiSaver employer contribution paid throughout their parental leave, annual leave payments paid at normal pay rates, paid partners’ leave, and three months’ of fully paid adoption/whāngai leave.
“We are also engaging in a programme of work to support our people with other life-stage changes, such as better understanding the challenges of fertility issues and menopause” - says Ms Stevenson.
For more information on the benefits we offer, please contact Jo Stevenson.