12/06/2024·1 min to read
Simpson Grierson partners selected as Dealmakers of the Year

We’re pleased for our Corporate Partners Anastasiya Gamble and Michael Pollard who have been selected by NZ Lawyer and Australasian Lawyer for the 2024 Dealmakers of the Year report.
Anastasiya is building a stellar reputation as one of New Zealand’s most talented M&A lawyers. Her recent work includes acting for Perpetual Guardian on the acquisition of the private client business from Trustees Executors and the subsequent acquisition of a boutique fund manager Castle Point. She was also named Young Private Practice Lawyer of the Year at the 2022 NZ Law Awards.
Michael is well established as one of New Zealand’s leading transactional lawyers and has advised on many of the most significant M&A deals in the last decade. His recent high profile work includes the $1,076 million sale of 2 degrees’ cellphone towers to Connexa, and Auckland Council’s $833 million sale of shares in Auckland International Airport.
Well done to all the other winners, who you can see here.

Anastasiya Gamble