23/09/2021·1 min to read
Simpson Grierson completes second year of Toitū carbonzero certification

We are pleased to confirm that Simpson Grierson has been certified by Toitū Envirocare for a second year as being a net zero carbon organisation, in line with international best practice.
Our certification means our carbon footprint, emission reductions and offsets have been independently verified in line with ISO 14064-1 and the GHG Protocol.
In September 2020 we received our first Toitū carbonzero certification and made a commitment to reducing our emissions intensity by a minimum of 5% per year on average over the next 5 years, and offsetting emissions. We’re pleased to be meeting this goal, and will continue to work towards to our low carbon future with our Toitū carbonzero certified operations.
The primary areas of focus for reducing our emissions are to do with domestic air travel, electricity usage and paper usage. We’re also focused on better management of office waste, and considering how we can reduce emissions from taxi and rental car use.
Our plan is informed by international guidance that states “if all nations reduce their GHG emissions per unit of GDP by 5% per year, global GHG emissions will be 50% lower in 2050 than in 2010 as long as the global economy continues to grow at its historical rate of 3.5% per year (achieving this reduction should limit global mean temperature rise to 2 degrees)”.
Learn more about Toitū Envirocare Limited here.